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Showing posts from June, 2017

The Solar System and the Earth

There are a great number of things without which it is impossible for a human to survive. One of the most essential of these is the solar system. If even a small change takes place within this system consisting of plain gaseous rocks, the whole humanity will end without a moment's delay. Hence I feel that it is necessary for us to know about and to understand the Solar System. Lets get a the concept of the placement of planets in the solar system first. Look at the picture on your right, the bright thing you see in the left hand corner is of course the sun. The round ball closest to the sun is the planet Mercury, then there is Venus, the Earth and then Mars. After that you can see a ring of asteroids, these asteroids define the inner planets and the outer planets. The outer planets include Jupiter that is the first planet outside the asteroid ring and then there is Saturn, then Uranus, Neptune and then finally there is another ring of asteroids which defines the end of the so...