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Thinkers' Club

Thinkers' Club

Thinkers' club is a club for 9-15 year olds all over the world. It takes place in ERDC, which is an institute in Karachi, Pakistan. But don't worry you can be an online member, if you don't live in Karachi. It is really a wonderful experience. Different topics are discussed in this club which are followed by research presentations. The discussions and the research helps your child to think freely, and his/her mind to open and see what is going on in the world around. It is a very fun experience and your child will enjoy a lot. For more information log on to:  


  1. Thinker's Club is wonderful, you're right. I'd send my kids to it if I had any, but I'm only
    a kid myself, so I guess it's better if I attend it.

  2. Replies
    1. It's really easy just send an email to thinkers requesting to join, we will make sure you get a reply.

  3. I agree! Thinkers' Club is amazing! It gets you thinking on many interesting topics and I'd recommend anyone to check it out! I do the online version, not the offline version, but it's still fun either way! :D

  4. Dear Azka,
    This post is nice, but you shared it in SEPTEMBER!!!! an't believe you're not sharing anything.

  5. I love the new layout! Just wondering, are you going to post anything new soon, Azka? If so, I'm looking forward to it!

    1. Thanks for waiting so eagerly Zainab and Kenza. :D


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