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Showing posts from 2016

The Winding Road

Deep within a meadow, Underneath a willow, There was a long gravel path, And a tall black shadow. It stood by a curve, In the winding road, And nobody dared, none had the nerve, To travel down the uncanny crook. And so the figure was free to move, He travelled to and from the grooves, That lay along the winding road. Old legends surrounded this black shadow, Legends about it haunting the meadow. And it was said; Whoever neared the silhouette, Soon ended up upon his deathbed. When it was time for the sun to rise, The shadow considered it a reprieve, Thus it disappeared behind the willow, Only to return when the sun had set, When the golden orb had gone back to bed. The moon shone among the misty clouds, Accompanied by the werewolves howls, And the bats hung upside down, From the branches of the trees around. And the shadow strode lonely, bored, On the path, led by the winding road.

The Haunted House

Small hills dotted the perimeter of the moors. In the middle of the expanse of land lay a deadly calm black lake and a road cut across the otherwise wild landscape. I drove on this road, making my way towards the eastern hills. It wound its way up a single hill and it was there that my destination was. My car slowed to a stop, in front of the tall black iron gates. No sooner had I honked the horn, a lonely man’s figure came into view. The housekeeper opened the gate and I parked my car just inside of it. I got out of the car and by the time the keeper shut the gate and got my bags, I had studied the grounds on which I was to stay while I was in Lahore. White mist rolled around on the unkempt yard. A broken fountain stood in the center of the grounds and about twenty five meters from it stood the manor, tall and proud, proud as a successful man might be by the end of his life. Even from a distance I could see the house was ages old, and that dampness had seeped into the walls. ...

To the Parent and to the Child

H i folks! So somebody posted this picture on Facebook and it literally inspired me so I shared it with a short comment which goes like: While parents need to understand the message above, children need to understand this quote 'grades, trophies and material achievements don't matter, but if you are capable enough to achieve and yet you don't then it is something to be deeply ashamed of.' I thought this message was needed for our community, for our world. And so after sharing it on Facebook, I share it here as well hoping that more people will understand what I am trying to say!

ایک ڈراؤنا خواب

میں بیٹھ کر اپنا ہوم ورک کر رہی تھی. اچانک ایک زوردار آواز آی. یوں لگا جیسے کوئی دھماکا  ہوا ہو. میں اٹھ کھڑی ہوئی اور میں نے ڈرتے ڈرتے گھر کے گیٹ تک کا سفر طے کیا اور وہاں سے باہر جھانکنے کی ہمت بھی کی. سڑک پر بوہت سی لاشیں، خون میں لت پت پڑی  ہوئی تھیں. میں سر کے بل واپس کمرے کی طرف بھاگی اور میں نے اپنے کمرے کا دروازا بند کر لیا. ابھی مجھے کچھ ہی دیر ہوئی تھی ہانپتے کانپتے جب مجھے کسی کے دھاڑیں مار مار کر رونے کی آواز آئ. کوئی مدد کےلئے چلّا رہا تھا. میں دوبارہ باہر نہیں جانا چھاتی تھی لیکن ڈر اور اضطراب کی ایک عجیب کیفیت مجھے پھر سے باہر کی جانب لے چلی. گھر کا دروازہ کھولنے پر میں نے دیکھا کہ ایک عورت ایک لاش کے پاس بیٹھی بین کر رہی تھی. اس کی حالت بوہت خستہ تھی. اس کہ بال سفید اور بکھرے ہوے تھے. اس کے کپڑے نہایت ڈھیلے اور پرانے نظر آ رہے تھے. اس کے جھریوں بھرے چہرے  پر چمکتے آنسو انگنت تھے. میں ابھی اس کا جائزہ ہی لے رہی تھی جب اس نے اپنی لال آبدیدہ آنکھوں سے مجھے دیکھا. وہ اٹھی اور میری طرف بڑھنے لگی. مجھے چاہنے کے باوجود اس سے کوئی ہمدر...

Ideas from another Country

I believe that one cannot improve himself if he does not learn from his surroundings. I am not saying that my country is not good. It is great! No other country can provide for its inhabitants the luxuries available in Pakistan. However my country has yet to grow, it has yet to learn. We can improve our country; by introducing to it a few customs from other countries. The two things I would like my country to assimilate in its self are very important for its growth. Only recently a law has been established in UK and Canada, which states that smoking in the presence of an underage, especially within closed quarters, is strictly banned. I would like this law to be a part of our judiciary because the harm smoking causes is disastrous. It has been discovered by scientists that passive smoking is more dangerous than active smoking. A person who is in the constant presence of an active smoker is in more danger than the smoker himself. Also if a young person is seeing somebody smoking h...

Caught in the Storm

Aghast, I stared at the approaching wave of sand. It stood about fifteen meters high and it rushed towards at an alarming speed. Dread seeped into our very muscles and forbade us to move. For a few long moments we stood there our mouths agape. Then; “Run for your lives!” Zack shouted as he turned his horse and galloped away, seemingly at the speed of light. Regaining our senses we followed in his stead. I dug my heels in my horse’s ribs, it galloped as fast as it probably could, but the sand was a terrible enemy. Soon my horse was knee-deep in the sand, struggling against nature. I pulled at its reins, trying to help it. The storm was almost upon us, my heart raced franticly and just as my horse broke free of the sand, the storm pounced on us and folded us into its self. I tensed, but knowing that tension would only make things worse, I tried to calm myself, to no avail. I looked around me, squinting. It was if I had entered a world made entirely of powdered gold. The swirl...